March 30, 2018

Weather report

Update 23 Sept. 2019 There’s a better version of this script available, see here.

Using OpenWeatherMap’s API it is possible to get JSON-encoded forecasts for my local area. I use jq and gnuplot to format the forecast into something that looks good in my terminal:

      Date       Time   °C  hPa   Kn   °  mm/3h
      Friday     15:00   7  1025  17 177  0.99
      Friday     18:00   9  1022  20 182  1.83
      Friday     21:00  11  1019  23 185  1.98
      Saturday   00:00  13  1016  24 192  2.02
      Saturday   03:00  13  1013  26 197  2.90
      Saturday   06:00  14  1011  23 199  2.23
      Saturday   09:00  14  1010  19 212  2.21
      Saturday   12:00  13  1009  21 208  0.64
      Saturday   15:00  13  1007  21 213  0.56
      Saturday   18:00  12  1006  19 208  0.14
      Saturday   21:00  11  1004  18 210  0.33
      Sunday     00:00  10  1003  19 212  0.32
      Sunday     03:00  10  1003  21 214  0.17
      Sunday     06:00  11  1003  19 217  0.07
      Sunday     09:00  11  1005  17 214  0.00
      Sunday     12:00  12  1007  15 214
      Sunday     15:00  12  1007  12 214
      Sunday     18:00  10  1009   8 197
      Sunday     21:00   7  1010   6 168
      Monday     00:00   7  1011   4 145
      Monday     03:00   6  1011   3 136
      Monday     06:00   6  1011   2  74
      Monday     09:00   6  1012   3  46
      Monday     12:00  11  1011   4  68
      Monday     15:00  11  1009   6  71  0.05
      Monday     18:00   9  1006   7  88  0.08
      Monday     21:00  11  1003  11 132  0.22
      Tuesday    00:00  11  1001  14 146  0.36
      Tuesday    03:00  11   998  16 156  0.43
      Tuesday    06:00  10   996  14 164  0.24
      Tuesday    09:00  10   994  19 149  0.22
      Tuesday    12:00  11   992  22 143  1.77
      Tuesday    15:00  12   990  21 150  2.65
      Tuesday    18:00  12   990  18 157  2.78
      Tuesday    21:00  11   991  15 159  0.15
      Wednesday  00:00  11   992  12 167  3.07
      Wednesday  03:00  10   993  11 171  0.56
      Wednesday  06:00  11   994   9 162  0.22
      Wednesday  09:00  11   996  10 179  0.42
      Wednesday  12:00  12   998  10 192  0.02

                            5 day pressure forecast

1025 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
     |                                                                   |
1020 | *                                                                 |
     |  *                                                                |
1015 |    *                                                              |
     |      *                                                            |
     |        *                           ** *                           |
1010 |         *                    * * *                                |
     |           * *             * *           *                         |
1005 |               **      * *                 *                       |
     |                  * * *                     *                      |
1000 |                                              *                    |
     |                                                                   |
 995 |                                                * *              * |
     |                                                   *          * *  |
     |                                                     *      *      |
 990 |                                                       * **        |
     |                                                                   |
 985 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+

Here’s the script that pulls it all together:


set -e

# Fill in location and api_key here

[ ! -d "$HOME"/dl ] && mkdir "$HOME"/dl


get_weather() {
    curl -sfL -G '' \
        --data id="${location}" \
        --data units="${units}" \
        --data appid="${api_key}" \
        -o "${fcast}"

    jq -r '.list[] | .main.pressure' "${fcast}" |
        sed 's/\.[0-9]\+$//' >"$HOME"/dl/pressure

[ ! -f "${fcast}" ] && get_weather

time_now=$(date +%s)

case $(uname) in
Darwin | *BSD) mtime=$(stat -f "%m" "${fcast}") ;;
Linux) mtime=$(stat -c "%Y" "${fcast}") ;;

[ $((time_now - mtime)) -gt 3600 ] && get_weather

printf '\n\t%-11s%4s%6s%5s%5s%5s%7s\n' \
    "Date" "Time" "°C" "hPa" "Kn" "°" "mm/3h"

jq -r ".list[] | .dt_txt, .main.temp, .main.pressure, \
    .wind.speed, .wind.deg, .rain.\"3h\"" "${fcast}" |
    paste - - - - - - |
    while read -r fdate ftime temp pressure wspeed wdeg rain; do

        printf '\t%-11s' "$(date -j -f '%F' +%A "${fdate}")"
        printf '%5s' "${ftime%:*}"
        printf '%4.0f' "${temp}"
        printf '%6.0f' "${pressure}"
        if [ "${wspeed}" = 0 ]; then
            printf '%d' "0"
            printf '%4.0f' "$(units "${wspeed} m/s" knots |
                awk 'NR < 2 { print $2 }')"
        printf '%4.0f' "${wdeg}"
        if [ "${rain}" != null ]; then
            printf '%6.2f' "${rain}"
        printf '\n'


gnuplot <<EOF
    set terminal dumb
    set ytics add ('' 0) scale 0
    unset xtics
    set title "5 day pressure forecast"
    plot "$HOME/dl/pressure" t "" pt "*"

The script is set up for metric data, so you’ll have to edit it if you’re using the imperial system. And you’ll need an API key (available free), along with a location code.